
今井理栄子 Rieko IMAI
フルート講師 ・ ピアノ講師



Diplom du Coservatoire National de Musique d'Autriche. Diplom obtenu. A etudie aupres avec MH.Niedermayer, D.Fluly, au Conservatoire de Vienna. A suivi les cours de flute traversiere et de musique de chambre au Concervatoire National de vill d'Avre et au Concervatoire de l'Ecole Normal de Paris. 2eme prix,3eme prix, au Concours International de Flute, Roger Bordin, UFAM,et Picardie. A etudie avec le piano T.Nemet,  la Flute PY.Artaud,S.Kudo,A.Adrian, W.Tripp et d'autre. l'etranger pendant environ 12ans. ※Representant de l'Ecole de musique L’atelier de syrinx



鈴木海市 Kaishi SUZUKI


Graduated from Nagoya City Kikuri High School of music.After completing the Solist Diploma Course at Toho Gakuen University, he is currently enrolled in the Artist. Diploma Course at Tokyo College of Music. Active in a wide range of areas, including solo, chamber music, recording. and lessons.as well as guest permormer with the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestre and the Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestre. 1st place Gifu International Competition, 4th place Burckhardt International Competition, 2nd place Kariya International Competition. Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra contract member.

山田ななを Nanao YAMADA
ヴァイオリン講師・Violin (英語・English)

米国オレゴン州出身。8歳よりヴァイオリンを始める。パシフィックミュージックフェスティバル札幌2017年メンバー。2018年から2019年はMeadowmount音楽学校ジェラルド・リベイロクラスに受講費免除で受講し、さらに助教授として招待される。2021年夏にはlnterlochen Center for the Artsの講師として参加。2022年まではシカゴを拠点にリスカー・カルテットの第2ヴァイオリン奏者として活動。イーストマン音楽学校卒業、ノースウェスタン大学ビーネン音楽大学院を修了後に同大学で博士号を2021年に取得。テアトロ・ジーリオ・ショウワメンバー。

Nanao YAMADA, born in Oregon and raised in Osaka Japan, first started playing the violin at the age of 8. She received her bachelor's from Eastman School of Music under Oleh Krysa, and finished her masters and received her doctorate at Northwestern University Bienen School of Music under Gerardo Ribeiro. In summer 2017, she was a member of the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra, founded by Lenard Bernstein. A passionate teacher, she spent five years as Professor Ribeiro's Teaching Assistant at Northwestern University as well as at the Meadowmount School of Music. Currently, she serves as a Junior Faculty at the lnterlochen School of the Arts Camp. She currently freelances in the Kansai area and Tokyo. She is also a member of Teatre Giglio Shouwa Orchestra in Kanagawa.


安達加瑶子 Kayoko ADACHI
ヴァイオリン講師・Violin (英語・English)

カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校卒業。同大学院修了。Haroutune Bedelian氏に師事。大学院終了後、Pacific Symphonyにおいてregular substituteとして13年間演奏。室内楽に傾倒しており、ピアニストJunko Nojima氏とともに、ヴァイオリン・ピアノデュオとして、約10年間例年リサイタルを行う。とても温かく熱心な指導者で、生徒たちは、アメリカにおいて、様々なコンクールやオーディションにおいて結果を導きだしている。アメリカ弦楽指導者協会(ASTA)メンバー。

Violinist, graduated magna cum laude from UC Irvine where she received her bachelor's and master's degrees in violin performance under Haroutune Bedelian. In recognition of her musical and scholastic achievements. Kayoko was awarded Rawlins and Tierney Scholarships and completed her graduated studies under full fellowship. After graduating from UCI. Kayoko performed regulaly with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra for 13years. as a regular substitute. joining their first European tour in March 2006. An active chamber musician, she performed annually as a duo with pianist Junko Nojima at Santa Ana College. Kayoko enjoys teaching and her students have placed at many competitions and have been accepted by the Honor Orchestra of America. Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra, Santiago Strings, Irvine Honors Orchestra and others.

竹口 滉 Akira TAKEGUCHI
クラシックギター講師 ・ ドンブラ講師

13歳よりエレキギターでギターに出会い、高校1年から3年まではフラメンコギターを高橋秀男に師事。洗足学園音楽大学にて原善信、鈴木大介に師事。大学卒業後は2015年からトルコのイスタンブールに渡航し、2016年にトルコのアンカラにてカザフの楽器、ドンブラに出会い、以後はドンブラの演奏活動も始める。2017年~2021年までは本格的にイスタンブールに長期滞在をして演奏活動や映画やドラマに出演。2021年にはオンラインで行われた3rd International Zhas tokyn of the Competition of performance of ethnic instrumentsのグランプリをドンブラで受賞。


Classical guiter ・ Dombra

He discovered the guitar when he was 13years old with electric guitar, and studied flamenco guiter with Hideo Takahashi from his first to third years of high school. He studied under Yoshinobu Hara and Daisuke Suzuki at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. After graduating from university, he traveled to Istanbul, Turkey in 2015. and in 2016. He encountered the Kazakh instrument Dombra in Ankara,Turkey. and since then he has started playing the Dombra. From 2017 to 2021, he started in Istanbul for long time performing and appearing in Movies and Dramas. In 2021, he won the Grand Prix of the Competition of performance of ethnic instruments held online at Dombra.